Monthly Archive: December 2007

E.W. Scripps and Sandra Clark

E.W. Scripps and Sandra Clark

UPDATE: We have received several emails this morning asking why in less than two years has she resorted to drawing four individuals into same sex insinuations? Almost two years ago, Sandra Clark editor employee...

Tonights BOE Meeting

Tonights BOE Meeting

There is much to report with the Board of Education and County Commission meeting simultaneously. However, one of our think tank team members submitted this report while covering the Board of Education meeting. It’s...

E.W. Scripps Reporters?

E.W. Scripps Reporters?

This is a contribution from one of our think tank team member. When an E.W. Scripps employee post a comment or comments on a on-line blog. Should their comment be so derogatory and slanderous?...

Liberal Local Blog and The Local Liberal Bloggers

Liberal Local Blog and The Local Liberal Bloggers

This is submitted by one of our think tank team members, this afternoon. I won’t wait for the liberals on KnoxViews to comment on this . They’re too busy slandering the US military...

Don Bosch Double Speak

Don Bosch Double Speak

Don “criminals are my friends” Bosch was a panelist on Inside Tennessee this morning. Bosch a criminal defense attorney did what criminal defense attorneys do best. Double speak. In talking about County Commission Chairman...

County Commission Fifth District Seat C

County Commission Fifth District Seat C

This election will select the individual to replace John Griess. There are no blue candidate (s) and no female candidate (s). What’s up blue Chairman Don Daugherty? There are some good blue residents in...