Monthly Archive: March 2021

Why Am I NOT Surprised at Eddie Mannis?

#TheMegaBullhornofTruth posted questions about whether Rep. Eddie Mannis was/is really a Republican. He could have proved me wrong. Instead he sends letter to members of a committee arguing against Rep. Scott Cepicky’s Middle and...

Rest In Peace Big Brother Eric!

My Dad called me this morning to tell me that an obituary was in this mornings (March 30, 2021) paper. Eric Anthony Burris. I don’t remember what year James, Bettye and Eric Burris moved...

Wojnar • Everyone’s Friend has Retired

Walt Wojnar back a month or so ago retired from his career in the hospitality business. He has been a staple in the Knoxville/Knox County community for years. LodgingSmith, LLC where he has been...