Fifth District Commission Citizens Can Meet Prospective BZA Candidates

Interim Appointed Commissioner John Schoonmaker will have a second interview meeting with the interested candidates for the fifth district Board of Zoning Appeals on Thursday March 12, 2015 from 5-6:30 p.m. in the Conference Room of the Farragut Town Hall located at 11408 Municipal Center Drive in Downtown Farragut, TN.

The notice says that Schoonmaker will interview candidates seeking appointment to the Knox County Board of Zoning Appeals. Candidates must be a 5th district resident, the notice says.

At the first meeting only two candidates emerged, Citizen Activist and Financial Adviser Ron Rochelle and Former Knox County School Administrator Becky Benson. Whether other candidates will emerge at this second meeting is unknown at this time. However, it should be noted that Benson is a party to a lawsuit involving citizens against either Knox County, Knox County Board of Zoning Appeals (the same body that she now desires to serve on) a developer of apartments on West Emory Church Road in Southwest Knox County. There were four different lawsuits and I am unaware if any or all have been consolidated, thrown out or withdrawn.

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