
Will the Knox County Prosecutors Continue Monitoring County Office Holders and Employees?

In announcing Former Trustee Mike Lowe‘s Guilty Plea on Thursday, Knox County District Attorney General Charme Allen stated something to the effect of this sending a message to Knox County officials about operating within the law. Lowe’s comment was that he did not properly manage these two employees, Delbert Morgan who was convicted by a jury a few months ago was seen on occasion at Trustee’s office. We will likely never know about the other guy, because Lowe plead guilty and the federal charges against the other guy will likely trump state charges.

However, I desire and have confidence in District Attorney General Allen in keeping the courthouse in check. I hope her office will continue monitoring the operations of all Knoxville and Knox County elected officials.

Like employees that are on medical leave, but have time sheets that do not match scan records, like this story on April 2, 2014 and this follow-up story from April 16, 2014 about the operations of the Property Assessors Office.

How many county and/or city employees are employed “remotely” and or “working from home”? Are the records sufficient to justify the work product and their previous and current pay? How about high ranking employees that are known to travel extensively over seas? Are there sufficient records to ensure that the tax payers are not being taken for?

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