Knox News and Knox Schools is Throwing the Spaghetti on the Wall to See What Sticks

Knox News school reporter keeps throwing out a different angle to the school bus crash. I am really not sure why she keeps reporting that the bus driver was texting a prostitute. It is as if he were texting anyone else it would be ok. Is that what she is saying? If the driver was texting the Knoxville News Sentinel about the delivery of his paper, is that acceptable? Not in my belief, but maybe for the News Sentinel it is.

So, yesterday it was reported that the driver of the bus that got broad sided did not have his proper endorsements up to date. The Knox School system should be doing the check and balances on the bus contractors and drivers. So, it seems to me that Rick Grubb who Dr. James P. McIntyre, Jr. appointed to run transportation has been derelict in his duty. That is where the blame falls.

I have not been a critic of Dr. McIntyre because of the incompetent Dr. Lindsey that was director before McIntyre. Now, that we have had a school security department that failed, a transportation department run ineptly, a former School Board Member hired without a competitive job search and making $42,507 and some change for 16 hours a week. I was told last night that part of the former school board members job was to coach a track and field team at one of the local high schools. Really?! It is time for Dr. McIntyre to come clean and flush the edu-bureaucracy that is the A.J. Building.

When Dr. McIntyre first came here I know that one elected official and even myself told him that the current staff would take him out if he didn’t rid himself of them. He only brought in one, Melissa Ogden and she has served him and the school district well, the others not so much.

Time for Dr. McIntyre to start issuinc some walking papers before Dr. McIntyre is issued his own walking papers and then the good ole girls and boys bring in another face to put on the tv while they continue rewardino the Steve Griffins, Rickie Grubb and Sammie Andersons that keep the holligans shielded.

I am still working on in depth research and will untangle the spaghetti noodles for you in the near future.



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2 Responses

  1. BusCrony says:
      Grubb is cronies with Burroughs (the contractor of the bus that caused the crash) Grubb dislikes the Fawver’s (the contractor that was hit) Grubb is likely pushing the misdemeanor charge on the one driver to shield Burroughs and help them continue their contracts.

      Grubb has been entertained just like Security Chief Griffin was.

  2. HornetShuttle says:

    russ oaks is the winer and diner and is the one that convinced McIntyre to bring Sam Anderson onto the payroll, also, Clifford davis has never been at a school long enough for test scores to be held against him. His personnel file should reflect his temper tantrums with building level teachers, also davis is the one that introduced teachers to the flying stapler,