Jason Zachary’s Opponent Operatives Will Stretch the Truth in an Attempt to Win

An email is circulating on behalf of Jason Zacahry’s opponent that says in part,

“—– knows economic growth equals more jobs, and that means a better life for hard-working Tennesseans. — recognized that this is accomplished through keeping taxes low, maintaining a high quality of life, and implementing game-changing policies like Governor Haslam’s Tennessee Promise that provides every Tennessee high school graduate the opportunity to earn a college degree. ”


First of all, Zachary’s opponent has had NO experience with economic growth, the field of employment of Zachary’s opponent has NOT created one job due to their position. Zachary is a small business 14th district business owner. He has created jobs, met a payroll and put people to work. As a matter of fact, the family income of Zachary’s opponent is from a spouse’s federal employment and the school board salary (all tax dollars) supplemented from employment from a local hospital.

Zachary’s opponent “keeping taxes low”, during the 11 year career of the School Board, Zachary’s opponent has begged, screamed and attempted to shame Knox County Commission for MILLIONS of increased taxes. As for TN Promise, Zachary’s opponent has never supported higher education. Zachary’s opponent has always railed against the BEP funding and criticized the legislature in not funding k-12.

This is just a start, but interesting that Zachary’s opponent would boast on TN Promise. A program that just started and had a negative story on the local news in the district last night. Check it out here.

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