Rest In Peace Anne Woodle

I learned from looking at KnoxViews yesterday (on occasion I look at that site, they don’t like me, I like them) that Ms. Anne Woodle passed away on the 15th.

I got to know Anne Woodle when she was on the school board years ago. One time I had given her a ride to her car and she saw a cassette tape (those were the precursors to CD’s) of my church and a sermon “I Ed take thee Ted” by my Pastor. Ms. Woodle wanted to borrow it and I said of course. We never discussed what she thought after listening to the sermon.

When I decided in 1999 to be a 2000 candidate for Knox County School Board, Anne called and asked if I were a leader with the Christian Coalition. I informed her that while I would identify with many of the positions of the Christian Coalition. I had never been a local, state or national leader of the Christian Coalition. I respected the candor and transparency of Anne in not fearing going to the source to confirm or deny the distortions she heard (in particular about me).

When I think of Anne, I am reminded of a Ronald Reagan quote, “The person who agrees with you 80 percent of the time is a friend and an ally – not a 20 percent traitor.” While Anne and I would likely agree on 20% of the issues. I still viewed her as a great person and was honored to know her, even from limited interactions.

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