Public Education for What a News Website Is or Is NOT to Political Campaigns

A communication was received through the comment section of my website. I have replied to the individual via email but as a two time Treasurer for a campaign the ignorance was great with this one so as a public service to all campaigns and my readers, I offer a point counter point to the message below as public education.

The Treasurer was defending his 2016 candidate and tearing down another candidate, which the Treasurer has every right to do. I will redact some identifying information. However, I believe it is imperative that you the readers see the arrogance and inability to see what is some peoples ASSumptions about this forum.

“I take to task your rejection of  Xxxxx Xxxx’x xxxxx xxxxxxxx xxx campaign.” Because I post a story that has my opinion with facts is not a rejection of a campaign. There is time for the candidate or the candidate’s team to educate me and the readers of this website. However, starting out by saying you take to task, the treasurer may as well have taken a cheap shot. If the cheap shot were a real punch, the treasurer would be picking themselves up off the ground. I won’t throw the first punch, I will defend myself to the point that I win the fight. It is what we are taught where I come from.

“I noticed you signed Xxxx petition and are promoting xxx on your website, indicating a bit of bias. All perfectly reasonable except you ignored xxx bankruptcy in xxxx. In my opinion, this indicates a gross inability to handle money. A $700 million budget may be beyond xxx grasp.”  Because I signed a petition means I believe any candidate has the right to be on a ballot. That does not mean I support them. I know I signed at least two petitions for candidates for Property Assessor, (I may have signed all three) One story about a candidate on the website does not translate into promotion, if it does the News Sentinel or Knox Focus is biased immediately. Again, this individuals candidate or candidate team have time to earn educate me and my readers of their good qualities. But apparently, they have tucked tail and run. As for bankruptcies, it does not disqualify one for office. It is a protection granted by the judicial and legislative branch of our government to allow people to right themselves personally and their businesses. A previous bankruptcy filing in the the history of Clayton Homes did not keep Warren Buffett from purchasing the company. Much has been made of Donald J. Trump filing for bankruptcy business filings and he still leads the GOP POTUS field. This Obama economy forces many people to seek protection from creditors until they can get their feet on solid ground again. As for a persons ability to manage the school district budget, your candidate and you clearly DO NOT understand the role of the School Board, each of the nine elected members work together to direct their employee the Superintendent on expending the school district dollars. I wonder if you have done any research to see if all school board candidates and members filed bankruptcy before, during or after service on the board?

“This makes your antipathy toward Xxxxx understandable. You may may not support xxx but do so for the right reasons.” Again, your definition of right is so out of whack. You are the making your ignorance known here.

“You support Xxxx, I get that.” Apparently, you don’t get it or anything. As a news website, I report the political race based on information that I receive. Your candidate has not contacted me while the other candidate(s) have. This means that either your candidate is lazy or assumes the phone call I received a couple weeks ago would give them a pass or the campaign is ignorant of getting information to news entities that could best represent the campaign.

The next two paragrapghs have been redacted in their entirity.

“You might do yourself a favor and get to know Xxxxx.” Apparently, you miss the need or necessity to understand that as a news website, it is NOT my role to do a favor to your candidate or myself in getting to know your candidate. In fact, it is your candidates job to get to all entities that may be able to assist in any way possible.

Xxxx Xxxxxx

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