Zachary Has Gotten the Emperor Complex Rather Quickly

Jason Zachary won the State Representative seat on August 12, 2015 primarly because his opponent was so bad. His opponent had an 11 year term on the school board filled with not being responsive to parents or teachers and being the central office stamp of approval on everything.

Now Zachary is setting up his campaign director to be a rubber stamp for the anti McIntyre faction on the board. Zachary sent an email yesterday to his email list asking for Facebook likes and money to be sent to his cousin in law staffer.



What is interesting about the email is at the end he lists his Nashville office number and his Nashville email address. It begs the question, should political solicitations have the State of Tennessee Resources as a contact point. Zachary’s administrative assistant will be the one answering any phone calls received from this solicitation. The states server will house any email correspondence and his state supplied administrative assistant may or may not be required to deal with the email requests.

Does this question rise to the level of an ethics complaint? I am not sure on that one. Then yesterday afternoon, Zachary was on Channel 8 promoting Ted Cruz and discussing the December 22, 2015 Cruz visit to Farragut.

Apprently Zachary believes he is the emperor.


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