
The Rest of the Story about Yesterday

Brian Hornback went to the Knox County Election Commission concerning Mr. Hatfield’s petition. He had informed four of the five Commissioners that he simply wanted to get his comments on the record, because the two lawyer Commissioners had indicated there was NOTHING they could do. So, Bob Bowman takes the first angry jab by suggesting an “oversight” not placing a home address on a document is the same as a “mistake” putting the wrong information on a document. Dictionary.com states an “oversight” is 1. on omission or error due to carelessness 2. unintentional failure to notice or consider; lack of proper attention. 3. supervision, proper care. It states that a “mistake” is 1. an error in action, calculation, opinion or judgement caused by poor reasoning, carelessness, insufficient knowledge, etc. 2. a misunderstanding or misconception. 3. to regard or identify wrongly as something or someone else. 4. to understand, interpret, or evaluate wrongly; misunderstand, misinterpret. 5. to be in error.

Why did Bowman react negatively to Hornback’s oversight and attempt to link an oversight to a mistake? Could it be this Knoxville News Sentinel story from March 2009, where Hornback applied for the Election Commission position that Bowman received?

As for Huddleston, the former appointed “Black Wednesday” County Commissioner that was removed from office this article from today’s News Sentinel speaks for itself. Especially the details at the end of the article “Immediately following the meeting, Hornback was accosted in the hallway by Former Knox County Commissioner Jack Huddleston, who accused him of being “everything that’s wrong with the Republican Party.” “You’re scum,” Huddleston said “You’re a certified nut.” Hornback, arms crossed, smiled and told a reporter” “I’m not the one losing my temper and yelling in a public hallway.” “If I’d lost my temper he’d be on the floor.” Huddleston shot back before storming off. Hornback said late Friday evening to quote Winston Churchill “You have enemies? Good. That means that you have stood up for something sometime in your life” and Hornback also said that he doesn’t enjoy quoting a Democrat but Franklin D. Roosevelt’s quote is most appropriate for this situation. “I ask you to judge me by the enemies that I have made.”

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4 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

    Jack Huddleston? Is this the “old” Knoxville firefighter that use to try and get Victor Ashe to let him do political work and Victor always said Huddleston who?

  2. He is a former employee of the fire department. He has NEVER put his name on the ballot, he only took the County Commission position when he could get it as an appointment. He dislikes Scott Moore but Scott Moore voted for him to be the Eighth District Commissioner on “Black Wednesday” What a way to treat somebody that helped put you in office.

  3. Gibbs Ruritan says:

    Jack Huddleston had a meltdown in November 2006 in the ballroom of Knoxville's Crowne Plaza. In 2008, he had a meltdown outside Carter High School. He has meltdowns all the time with people in the Gibbs community. The only thing now is that it has been recorded and reported by the News Sentinel so his meltdowns are now in the public domain. How long till his meltdowns result in a real breakdown?

  4. Anonymous says:

    Should have gotten rid of Greg Mackay long ago. The State should fire him over this.