Knox Co Commissioner Mike Brown Crossed a Line Today

South Knox Commissioner Mike Brown referred to kids on the school bus as “rats” that should be punished and thrown off the bus. He referred to speaking with bus contractors in his district. One of the contractors in his district is the contractor that had the bus and driver that caused that horrific crash that took two young children and one adults life in December 2014.

Brown went on to ask about bus monitors, the young teacher that lost her life on that bus, was a bus monitor. For a Commissioner to accuse the kids for being disruptful and the cause of so many of the problems 15 months after a tragedy in our county that was the leading national news is unbecoming a county official. The parents and siblings, The husband and children of the three lives loss to have to relive the horror of the incident and to hear a Commissioner refer to the kids as rats, is unconscionable. Brown will be gone after August 31, 2016.

When he is gone comment should be made of him.

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1 Response

  1. Buuck says:

    That same contractor Bob Burroughs whose driver caused the December 2014 bus wreck that resulted in three deaths. His brother a lawyer was the campaign treasurer (bag man) for Bud Armstrong. I am surprised Rowell and even you Brian did NOT inform the public of that.