How Secure is School Security at Securing Schools?

All the news reports of searches and security threats at Knox county middle and high schools. You would think school security officers would be checking and rechecking doors, windows. Wouldn’t you?

With all the taxpayer dollars spent on cameras, door locks, metal detectors you would think all is safe. Wouldn’t you?
The hiring of a School Security Chief with extensive law enforcement background. Combined with the continued hiring of new officers and increased training of new and existing officers, would allow no slips into a soft target, you would think. Right?
What would you say if you knew or if it was reported that a certain facility on Cedar Bluff Road had a door propped open for more than 48 hours last week without being discovered or detected by security systems or security personnel?
You would think that would an indictment on the school security department, Right?

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1 Response

  1. Sandy Loy says:

    This is unbelievable Brian….this left students and faculty at risk for 48 hours? Anyone could have been inside the school waiting to attack when school opened the following day. UNBELIEVABLE!