Did You See What the Shopper Reported?

So the paren’t company of Knoxville News Sentinel owns the Shopper News. One time Knox News Publisher Bruce Hartmann was the man Sandra Clark had to answer to, I know that because Hartman, Clark and I had to meet over the Shoppers obsession about me. So, that would mean that Patrick Birmingham (Hartman’s replacement and residential tenant to Knox Co Mayoral candidate Bob Thomas) is her boss. So an article published by a publication he oversees is still a conflict. Read here and here.

In other news from the shopper a columnist published, “Tom Spangler says Sammy Sawyer (aka Barney) is supporting him for sheriff because Barney knows Spanky will give him two bullets. “I’m afraid he’ll lose that one.””  Does the columnist realize that Sammy is an employee of the Knox County Sheriffs Office and based on her gossip and lies entry ole Barney might find himself with new more labor intensive duties. Of course that never happens…….

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