On Day Two Before Ballard Leaves….We Remember

We remember the rumors for several years that Ballard was being investigated by multiple agencies. We remember the February 2016 WBIR Inside TN show where all three Republicans appeared when the investigations were mentioned. The WBIR story on Friday before the show aired on Sunday had Criminal Defense Attorney Don Bosch speaking on behalf of Philip Ballard.

Let us not forget the Administrative Assistant when Philip Ballard spoke before the Knox County Commission last week. He said the hiring of Linda Turner was at the request, suggestion of the Realtor’s Board. Why would the Realtor’s Board request the Property Assessor hire someone? Why would the Assessor make a hiring decision because an agency told him to? But, again it’s Ballard. He apparently (in my humble opinion) lacked responsibility, accountability and transparency.

Tomorrow will be the last posting of before Ballard leaves. It will be brief.

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