The TN Legislature Has Adjourned, We Are Safe Again

The Special Session to resolve federal funding related to DUI laws has adjourned sine die. In addition, to the DUI fix, what the legislature did was take action to expel State Representative Jeremy Durham. Durham who the Tennessean newspaper started on in December 2015 and the TN Attorney General began an “investigation” on within the second quarter of 2016 is not new news.

All Republican Knox County legislators were asked in December 2015 before the Republican caucus took up the incident. On December 29, 2015 BrianHornback.Com reported all Knox County members comments except Jason Zachary gave to me here. Finally on January 8, 2016 Zachary opined as reported here.

The facts and vote of the TN Republican House Caucus on January 12, 2016 will never be truly known. There have been reports that Glen Casada raised procedural questions. But the comments and votes of the caucus members will not be known. That pales in comparison today. Fast forward the TN Attorney General “investigation” and the claims by Durham that he wasn’t allowed to face his accusers.

You would think the August 4, 2016 election surely ended the drama. No, it didn’t. The special session to fix the federal money and the DUI law allowed them to expel two legislators one found guilty by a jury of his peers (except he retired on Monday) and Durham.

After some tense drama and words they voted to expel Durham. Two women voted NO, that’s really kinda odd, in my opinion. Cause with all the Jane Does that were allegedly victimized, surely two ladies would have sympathy and empathy for other ladies. Apparently not with these two legislators, in my opinion.

What “if” a legislator that voted to expel Durham yesterday gave money to one of the female legislators for her August 4 re-election. Is that a double standard? or Is it just a scratch my back, I will scratch your back? or Is it a quid pro quo?

For the Democrats they love this. For the Republicans they are struggling and everyone is in their respective corners. For a blogger like me, I am going back to get a popcorn refill.

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