TN Revenue Raisers on the Gas Tax, Just Say NO!

I am opposed to an increase of the gas tax, the license plate tax in TN in 2017. Here are my reasons.

1) The state has a huge surplus of almost $2 billion dollars we’ve been told. Now they will say that is NOT in the dedicated road fund. BUT, remember last year they repaid the road fund for money that previous administration moved had raided the road fund to pay for other crap. Raising taxes should be a last option, NOT the first.

2) a perceived Conflict of Intrest. The Governors family business is a chain of refueling center that no doubt is the either the largest in the state or close to it.

If the gas tax is collected by the state like the hotel/motel tax. The tax is collected by businesses for all 28, 30 or 31 days of the month, depending on which month we are in.

The tax is NOT submitted to the state until the 20th day of the month following. So all of January’s tax is NOT submitted to the state until February 20th. What a large corporation like the Governor’s family can do, is take that money and invest it in the money market and get returns on it and make a profit.

That is in my mind a huge conflict.

Just VOTE NO on the gas tax increase and the license plate fee increase.

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