
How Quickly the Liberals Turn, I Have Been Doing This Almost 13 Years

As the news of the RIF’s occurred at the Big Metal Shed on the Hill, I posted a couple of posts here and especially here. I received many phone calls and messages complimenting me for the approach I took especially with the Shopper and Sandra Clark. Now the liberals over at KnoxViews are posting the same vomit about me, they have always repeated.

Poor ole Steve Scarborough is upset, because last fall I outed him on Facebook for posting items on an Independent candidates website as the candidate.

wwwBrianHornback.Com will celebrate 13 years of uninterrupted operation and no change in ownership on August 9, 2017.


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2 Responses

  1. Liberals are insane says:

    The Prog’s at KV are bragging they cost you the writing job at the Shopper. Any statement?

  2. Liberals are insane says:

    That’s what I figured. They still think Hillary won.