Knox County Commission Wants to Change the Meeting Times

The Knox County Commission Rules Committee is meeting next Monday 11/13  and one of items to be discussed is moving the Commission meeting times from 5 pm to 2 pm.

A couple of notes about that,

1) beginning at 2 pm prohibits everyday, hard working taxpaying citizens that work real jobs from being able to attend or watch it on CTV.

2) moving the meeting to 2 pm reduces the candidate pool from running for Commission. Only retirees or successful individuals will be eligible to serve.

While the salary for Commissioner is close to $30,000 a year, the position is not intended to be a retiree salary. Of the current Commissioners, it seems the following are retirees, Commissioner Evelyn Gill, John Schoonmaker, Dave Wright, Charlie Busler, Carson Dailey and Ed Brantley. Commissioner Michele Carringer is active in community life. Commissioners Randy Smith, Hugh Nystrom, Brad Anders and Bob Thomas are employed.

The makeup of the County Commission should be reflective of the populace. There should be housewives, laymen, professionals and the ages should be varied from 18-99.

Is the reason for two o’clock meetings because the current Commission doesn’t want the public watching? Is it because of the current Commissioners aging and they need to turn in earlier? All valid questions that may or may not be accurate in their assumptions. Do you have other questions, post them in the comment section.

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