UnResolved Write In Votes in the Knoxville Election This Week

This Tuesday was the City of Knoxville General Election. Some of the unresolved write-in votes.

In District One 65 unresolved write-ins were cast. Andrew Wilson got four votes; Doug Harris got one; Greg Knox got six; Hail Satan got one; Neither Idiot got one; Parker Is adamn joke got one; Rebecca Parr got one; Sacey(sp) Campfield got one; Santa Claus got one; Sylvia Woods got one; Tony Basilio got one; Wee Willie got one.

In District Two, 59 unresolved write-ins were cast. A Good One, Andrew Napolatano, Anthony Hancock, Anybody Else, Bart Simpson, Bernie Sanders, Brandon Bruce got 5, David Williams, MILT, None of the Above, NULL, Santa Claus and Terry Faulkner got 4 votes.

In District Three 39 unresolved write-ins were cast; A Decent One, Bad Jones, Dessie Dingus, Dingus got two, Donald Trump, Frank Zappa, Jody Mullins got three votes, Nver Voted n City Election Santa Claus, Scott Davis, Sean Hannity.

In District Four 237 unresolved write-in votes. many different spellings of Amelia Parker, Another one, Bryan Dodson, Dan Davis got 4, Gwen McKenzie got one, Jeanine Pirro, Neither, None of the Above, Oprah, Santa, W A Ritchie, Will

In District Six 56 unresolved write-in votes were cast. Amelia Parker got 15, Andre Canty, Brandy Salybaugh, David Gillette, Flying Spaghetti Monster, George Carlin, John Butler got 4, Michael Covington got 5, Michelle Malkin, Mike Donilla, Neither, None of the Above, Randy Tyree, Santa, Stacey Campfield.





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