Thursday night at the Center City Conservatives Republican Club the two candidates for Knox County Sheriff, Tom Spangler and Lee Tramel spoke. Nick McBride, candidate for Knox County Register of Deeds and Ed Shouse, our Knox County Trustee also spoke.

Tom Spangler spoke about his priorities as Sheriff. One is Safety both neighborhood and school safety and the second is the opioids problem.

Lee Tramel talked about the Sheriffs Office for the last 10 years has been working with other agencies in making decisions inclusively and how they are addressing the epidemic of the drugs. Tramel said we are doing the work.

Nick McBride talked about his work for the past 28 years in the Register of Deeds office and his campaign to become the next elected Register.

Ed Shouse talked about his work the last 4 years as Trustee. The savings and efficiencies he has brought to the office and his desire to serve another 4 years.
On February 22, we’ve invited the Knox County Clerk Candidates Roger Kane, Sherry Witt. The Knox County Mayor Candidates Brad Anders, Glenn Jacobs and Bob Thomas, Candidates for Knox County Commission District Three Randy Smith and District Seven Charles Busler.
Plan to join us.