Trustee, Criminal Court Clerk and Register of Deeds 4th Quarter Campaign Financials

Republican Ed Shouse our Trustee is unopposed at this moment, he had $1,676.96 last report, raised $4,750.00, spent $2,381.41 with $4,045.55 on hand.

Republican Mike Hammond our Criminal Court Clerk is unopposed at this moment. He has $3,303.83 last report, raised $2,437.36, spent $2,941.70 with $2,794.49 on hand. He has a $8,180.00 loan.

Republican Nick McBride, candidate for Knox County Register of Deeds had $20,867.08 last period, raised $60,036.07, spent $4,037.43 with $76,865.72 on hand. He has a $50,000.00 loan.

In full disclosure none of these candidates in this story are strategic partners at this time.

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