Democrat Double Speak

Gloria Johnson, who lost a State Senate race to State Senator Becky Duncan Massey. Johnson then went on to win one term as State Representative and has lost two bids since then and this year is seeking a third attempt to unseat State Rep. Eddie Smith.

Johnson along with host Knoxville City Councilwoman Lauren Rider are having a fundraiser for Johnson and are charging the men $21 more to host the event than women.

Now I am sure that the rationale is to draw attention to pay disparity between men and women.

However, this just highlights that Democrats will gripe and complain about an issue in society but will simply go along and get along with the problem. Democrat Double Speak.







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1 Response

  1. Liberals are Insane says:

    Gloria Johnson is the worst Representative we have ever had from this area. A hypocrite of the highest order. She is harder to get rid of than cancer. She is all the Dems have left.