Why are there so many Candidates for Governor? Because the TN Legislature Were Lazy

There are 28 candidates on the Tuesday ballot  for TN Governor, that is Republican Bill Lee, Democrat Karl Dean, Independent Mark “Coonrippy” Brown and 25 others.

In previous TN legislative sessions the Libertarian Party has asked the legislature to change the election laws regarding ballot access which would allow the Libertarian Party to put forward a libertarian candidate just like the Republican and Democrat parties.

The legislature was too lazy (in my opinion) they sent it to Summer Study aka black hole and killed it. The only option left for the Libertarian Party was to get 33,400 signatures, they got 17,000 statewide.

But to be a candidate anyone, you, me any Tennessean that meets the residency requirement and meets the age requirement can get 25 signatures and can be a Karl Dean, a Bill Lee or a Mark “Coonrippy” Brown and be on the ballot statewide just like they are.

Read this recent article from the TN Ledger to confirm what I just published.


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