
Election Thievery in Knox County, TN?

Knox County’s Former at Large County Commissioners Ed Brantley and Bob Thomas began a weekly podcast after their Commissioner stints ended (podcast is kinda like a radio show, but it’s only on the internet) They have completed about 30 of them so far. Several weeks ago, they published one that talked about Elections and reforms for Elections.

Ed said that Bob’s campaign last year for Knox County Mayor was stolen from him. It was kinda of a shocking statement. Have they gotten confused that Bob finished second instead of third?

Brad Anders finished second (23 votes or so) behind Knox County Mayor Glenn Jacobs. Bob was more than 3,000 votes behind both of them in third place.

Bob Thomas, Candidate for Knox County Mayor

Bob Thomas

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1 Response

  1. Liberals are Insane says:

    Ed got a little far out in the weeds on that.