
Camp Wesley Woods Needs YOU!

This story in today’s News-Sentinel details how Camp Wesley Woods is embarking on its first capital campaign in it’s 50 year history.

I remember as a high school youth spending weekend youth retreats at Camp Wesley Woods and Lake Junaluska, NC. All were very good experiences.

The Camp Wesley Woods website is currently down. When it is up, we will post the link here. However the Wesley Woods Camp website is currently up. So check it out here. The link for Lake Junalska is located here.

Yes. For those of you now thinking “I thought Brian Hornback is a Southern Baptist. Is an ordained Deacon and Elder in the Presbyterian Church, USA. Why did he attend two United Methodist Church owned facilities as a youth?” Because when I was a youth, we were members of a United Methodist Church.

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2 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

    The camp director came to speak at FFUMC Wednesday night dinner. He said that attendance grows every year. Our children have both attended. Our daughter will attend this summer for her sixth time. She looks forward to being a counselor one day.

    Some may not know that public and private schools use the camp to teach an ecology/environmental program.

    There is a golf tournament fund raiser for the camp coming up on April 21 at Beaver Brook Golf Club. It is $100. More information at 448-2246

    Pamela Treacy

  2. Thanks for the information.