Breaking News: Knox County Circuit Court Clerk is no Longer Called Defendant

When the daily paper, tv stations and any other media report this REMEMBER I had it first. I requested the tax payer dollar amounts spent in the three cases against Knox County and Former Circuit Court Clerk Cathy Shanks and obtained the information this morning.

A good and reliable source told me on February 14, 2019 that this case was ended. I tried contacting the Plantiff and he refused to talk.

In review the Plantiff was terminated from employment in April 2015 by then Knox County Circuit Court Clerk after having been employed by her since 2001. Serving as high as Chief Deputy.

The three lawsuits have been settled and Knox County Law Director Bud Armstrong has written some checks.

Court costs: $2,246.12

Court Reporter Costs: $1,669.50

Misc. (Scanning and copying documents requested by Attorney Herb Moncier) $777.75

Outside Attorney for Cathy Shanks: $145,304.69 (law Firm Gentry, Tipton & McLemore, LLP)

Court Approved Mediator: $4,485.00

Court Approved Mediated Settlement $150,00.00




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1 Response

  1. Wheres Elmer says:

    Where in heck is Elmer??????????? It’s articles like this I could see him picking apart piece by piece. I miss that old cranky gentleman, the method to his madness was ever so colorful. His nick names were classic and just responded to whatever he chose to say, that others refused to say. I have heard his name was mentioned in depositions, break rooms, and certainly cursed by those he would light into. Brian please find out where he is, at least let us know he is alive or has passed onto his reward.

    Reply to this article:
    Seems like Bud spent some more of county funds, but this time on an actual settlement of a lawsuit.