A Word From the City Council Movement, City Council Movement Reaffirms Support for Amelia Parker, David Hayes, and Charles Al-Bawi

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A Press Release from The City Council Movement today, August 20, 2019

Knoxville, TN — On Monday morning, Steve Hunley of the Knoxville Focus published a piece attacking City Council Movement candidates Amelia Parker and David Hayes with degrading, false criticisms, and bigoted stereotypes. The City Council Movement is a grassroots movement doing politics in a way that is new and different because we are weary of business as usual and tired of politicians who do not represent everyday Knoxvillians, and we support Amelia Parker for Knoxville City Council At-Large Seat C, David Hayes for City Council At-Large Seat B, and Charles Al-Bawi for City Council District 5.

Our candidates may not be rich and powerful like so many others who are running for City Council, but the experience they have is far more valuable. Our candidates understand how hard it is to get by as a working person in Knoxville, and when they talk about the change our city needs, they speak from their own experiences: one has worked as a custodian, another a fast food worker, and another a grocery store clerk. Today, Amelia Parker is an accomplished human rights advocate, David Hayes is an experienced community and labor organizer and a dedicated parent, and Charles Al-Bawi is a Guardian ad Litem attorney who protects the most vulnerable children in our community. Our candidates have chosen to dedicate their lives to building a world that is more equitable and just. We are proud to stand by our candidates and our values, and we think there is nothing radical about the idea that all people should have food, shelter, education, and dignity. Together we are fighting for a Knoxville for ALL.

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1 Response

  1. Liberals are Insane says:

    David Hayes was arrested for assault here:


    Is he a socialist? I don’t know. I do know he has no respect for our flag. And he doesn’t respect women.