
James Corcoran’s Withdrawal from the 18th District State Representative Race

April 9, 2020- Knoxville, TN – Due to concerns arising from the current shutdown from the coronavirus, James Corcoran has elected to withdraw from the Tennessee 18th District Race for State Representative.


A father of twin five-year-old children, James Corcoran has decided that taking care of his family has to be his priority in these troubling times.

James wishes the remaining candidates the best of luck and health in their respective race, and looks forward to continue representing the Republicans of the 7th State Senatorial District as the duly elected GOP State Executive Committeeman.


James is confidant that the voters of the 18th District will have clear choices to make, both in the Republican Primary and the subsequent general election, and he looks forward to supporting the eventual Republican nominee.

myself and Corcoran utilizing the social distancing due to COVID-19

myself and Corcoran utilizing the social distancing due to COVID-19

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