Knox County Commission Loans $1.5 Million of OUR Tax Money

The Knox County Commission last night approved a $1.5 million dollar line of credit to the Knox County Circuit Court Clerk’s Office. It is $1.5 million out of our general fund reserve that would normally make interest.

Thanks to Commissioners Schoonmaker and Anders for requiring the Clerk to pay the same percentage that the county would make if it were invested.

Here is the problem, the Clerk in the last two years has given Knox County $45,000 back in excess fees. That is $22,500 actual cash flow above the offices operating funds. How can the office repay $1.5 million with only $22,500 in eligible cash flow?

Commissioner Carringer said I understand the Clerk must have three months of operational funds in his account. BUT, the annual operational cost according to Mayoral Deputy Chief of Staff Chris Caldwell is $1.6 million, so you give him his annual operating cost? Then Commissioner Jay said but this is for the children, the juvenile court system. He was immediately corrected that those dollars are separate and already in the county budget.

The answer by Clerk Susano is too get the legislature to “correct his revenue”. NEVERMIND that the Clerk has NOT streamlined or reorganized the office, (since becoming the Clerk) except to hire a friend or two and kept the rest of the office operating at status quo.

Jeez…..we need a few more real businesspeople on the Commission.

Knox County Commission making risky loans

Knox County Commission making risky loans

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