
TN Republican SEC Has A Decision on September 2

The TN Republican State Executive Committee has a hearing on September 2, 2020. That decision is whether Cecil Edward Mannis, Jr.  should be removed as the Republican nominee for TN State House District 18 and Gina Oster placed as the Republican nominee on the November 3 ballot. I have reviewed “the case” for removing Mannis and it appears very strong to me.

Remember, I am not a rookie to Republican politics. I volunteered for my first campaign at the age of 16 in 1982 for Robin Beard for US Senate against Jim Sasser.

I have held EVERY position within the Knox County Republican Party including Party Chairman (2005-2007) and positions among three Republican community clubs, Eighth District, Bluegrass (which is no longer) and Center City Conservatives. In addition, to having been elected and served a term on the Knox County School Board (2000-2004).

However, my primary passion and motivation today is this weblog and it operates on stories and ads. But, I digress.

The argument the Mannis people have made so far is that Oster can not win the General Election on November 3. As a former Chairman I say that is a stretch. The district is still solidly RED, not turning Purple. The close contest between Democrat GREG Mackay and Republican Martin Daniel have tainted that fear. Mackay is a likable Democrat, he served 8 years as a Knox County Election Commissioner and 8 years as Knox County Election Administrator and again is likable. It was a one off, in my humble opinion.

I do not intend to opine that Mannis should be tossed or left on the ballot. It is not my role, it is not in my job description.

I do know the people that are on the State Executive Committee are NOT a group in Nashville as former State Senator Victor Ashe has authored in a Knox News story in a weekly sales circular wrapper. It is a committee of elected persons voted into office every four years by State Senate district (a man and a woman) from across the State of Tennessee.

I am told that Mannis has Culver Schmid a Knoxville Attorney as his legal counsel. Schmid was legal counsel for Knox County Mayoral candidate Glenn Jacobs as the provisional ballots were counted following his 23 vote win in the May 2018 Republican Primary.


I am also told Schmid was the Boyd campaign (Randy Boyd failed 2018 TN Governor campaign) legal counsel. I am also told Schmid primarily is a real estate transaction counsel. Schmid’s brother John did serve a stint on Knox County Commission. But I have also heard the rumor that maybe Schmid’s involvement has more to do with a downtown baseball stadium, BUT that is just a rumor and being #TheMegaBullhornofTruth has me swimming to far from shore.

So, I will head back into shore and say, Good Luck TN GOP SEC on making this decision. The district that has had Stacey Campfield, Steve Hall and Daniel ain’t going Democrat with Oster or Mannis. So do NOT play the Fear Factor in making a decision.

Gina Oster’s Opponent and Oster

Mannis and Oster

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1 Response

  1. Jason Cutworth says:

    It’s pretty clear that Mannis won – by almost 100 votes. Gina’s challenge is about as weak as you can get. What Gina is doing is what Never Trumpers do, they don’t get behind our nominee. Gina, it’s not too late for you to do the right thing.