
Town of Farragut Board of Mayor and Alderman Tomorrow Night is MUST SEE Government

Tomorrow night the Town of Farragut Board of Mayor and Alderman have an item that is drawing a lot of attention.

Discussion on CLUP and Zoning related text amendments associated with the redevelopment of the old Kroger property – Farragut Town Center at Biddle Farms, Parcels 3.02, 3.03, a portion of 3.18, and a portion of 3.19, Tax

Map 143, 45 Acres (SITE Incorporated, Applicant)

The Concord Hills Homeowners Association has voted and has requested a 30 day delay. I have heard that other homeowner associations are talking and considering a similar request.

Check out the Farragut Citizens for Responsible Growth and Development for letters and articles about this issue. The proposal that SITE, Incorporated is seeking is constructing 280 apartments (60 foot tall Billings) a small grocery store on 40 plus acres on the Old Kroger shopping center and the former horse farm that borders Kingston Pike (directly in front of Farragut High School), Concord Road, South Campbell Station Road and Brooklawn Drive in Farragut.

If you have thoughts on this, you can send a general email of comments here or you can send specific comments to the elected officials individually by clicking on each ones name, Mayor Ron Williams, Vice Mayor Louise Povlin, Alderman Ron Pinchok, Alderman Scott Meyer and Alderman Drew Burnette

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