
Gate 11 Distillery in Chattanooga on The TN Whiskey Trail

From June 2018 until April 2019, the wife and I traveled the TN Whiskey Trail. Traveling to all current distilleries in TN on the trail, then from Memphis to Hartford, TN.

Since April 2019 new distilleries have opened and come onto the trail. The wife and I were in Chattanooga on Saturday and visited one of the newbies.

Wife and I in the Chattanooga ChooChoo outside Gate 11 Distillery

Wife and I inside the Chattanooga ChooChoo outside Gate 11 Distillery

Gate 11 Distillery in the Historic Chattanooga ChooChoo.

They have a Vodka, Gin, Rum, Absint , a 2 year Rye Whiskey and a 5 year Rye Whiskey

Gate 11 produces a Vodka, Gin, Rum, Absinthe , a 2 year Rye Whiskey and a 5 year Rye Whiskey.



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