BREAKING Knox Commission News: Commissioner Kyle Ward Pulls Ordinance IMPOSING Public Forum on the Knox County Board of Health

The November 2020 Knox County Board of Commissioners Agenda was released today. I noticed that the second reading for the Ordinance imposing Public Forum on the Board of Health IS being withdrawn at the Sponsors Request, Commissioner Kyle Ward.

D5528BE7-3C61-4C56-972B-BAE8A7541703I immediately contacted  Commissioner Ward to ask why, he is having it withdrawn. This is his response,

“At the end of the last commission meeting I saw what the stress of public forum can do to a person and it worried me. I prayed about it all week and decided the we need compassion right now and to come together as a community. I don’t want the volunteers to go through the same stress that elected officials go through. We need to be concerned about everyone’s mental health especially going into the holidays. I don’t think we should set a precedent of telling other committees how to run their meetings.

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1 Response

  1. Dal ANDREW says:

    Sounds like’Big Brother’ protective oversight to me, al a1984.