Knox County Merit System Changes NOT So Fast…

Knox County Sheriff, Knox County Law Director and Knox County Commissioner Larsen Jay‘s work for nearly a year came to a vote of four Ordinances changes. Two items were voted down, two passed.

This one changing the make-up of the Knox County Merit System Council for Sheriff’s Employees was voted down.

This one redefining the Grievance Hearings was voted down with only Jay and Schoonmaker the two that motioned and seconded it, the other 9 members voted NO.

Two items were voted to proceed to a second and final vote on August 23, 2021 Commission meeting at 5 p.m.. On August 16, 2021 Worksession discussion will be held. Both meetings in the Main Assembly Room of the City County Building.

This one setting forth how the Merit Council meetings will be conducted, Commissioner Courtney Durrett who spent time on the special committee for four meetings (October 2020-January 2021), was the sole NO vote, that sent a message.

This one is allowing the Knox County Sheriff’s Office to due the cadet recruiting.

Merit System, Knox Sheriffs Office "kumbaya" Meeting on 12/1/2020

Merit System, Knox Sheriffs Office “kumbaya” Meeting on 12/1/2020



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