Now the Rest of the Story…..All will be Revealed in Time

On Friday, I posted this montage of photos, many people blew up my phone wanting to know the background story. Several friends told me they also got calls asking what the post meant. A friend even asked me about my cryptic post. The post read in time all will be known.

Yesterday, I posted this story about a gift from Gary Prince a Knoxville Attorney.

Now that Compass and the publication formerly known as Fountain City Focus have a story about Gary Prince, the outside legal counsel and political supporter of Knox County Sheriff Tom Spangler having filed a Motion to Recuse on a couple members of the Knox County Merit System Council, I can now reveal the reason for my posts.

In the motion to recuse, Prince used blog stories and a picture of me and one of the Merit Council members at a campaign HQ opening.

Mr. Prince who by the way, the voters in District Five elected mr and rejecting Prince’s brother (who was the incumbent) for a seat on the Knox County School Board in 2000, no hard feelings by me, cause that would make me a sore winner. I ain’t sore at anything, except some muscles in my body at my mid fifties age.

My point of the post is my interpretation that Prince’s use of my blog and attempting to show this blog as/is one sided. I am nothing to that extreme.

Three years ago, I explained to Tom Spangler (whose family is decently related to me, why I had a personal reason to support his opponent)

Spangler agreed and asked me to cover his events like his campaign HQ opening just as I did with the photo of me and a Merit Council member at Spangler’s HQ opening.

My blog stories are public domain and I am fine with the use in court proceedings. BUT, my point in publishing photos of Spangler, Kimberly Glenn and David Buuck is to say, do NOT portray me to Knox County Chancery Court, or the Court of Public Opinion as one sided, show it all.

NOW FOR MY OPINION: Sheriff Spangler and his department have repeatedly attempted to try Martha Dooley, Scott Moore and John Ivan Harmon in the court of public opinion. They have a right to face their accuser (the Sheriff) to a body like the Merit System Council and a decision made, win, lose or draw.

So anyone that thought I was doing anything other than what I’ve explained what I did, is well just wrong. Those people obviously do not know me or my style. So. Now you know the REST of THIS STORY. More to come I am sure.

hey Gary Prince,  when using my blog tell it all NOT just what makes you and your client look good.

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Maybe since our taxpayer dollars have paid over $60,000 to Prince in his work and my blog was used, maybe I should invoice him for assistance in his opposition research. What do you think?

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