
Knox County Merit System Council for Sheriffs Office Employees Meeting May 16, 2022 – Sheriff Still Found Guilty of Violating Policy and Procedures

The Knox County Merit System Council for Sheriff’s Office Employees met this afternoon to consider a request by Sheriff Tom “Spanky” Spangler’s outside council Gary Prince and Dan Gass to reconsider the Martha Dooley decision. In that decision of April 28, 2022 the Council ruled UNANIMOUSLY two things

1) that the Sheriff violated Policies and Procedures in taking Martha Dooley’s car and fuel card from her.

2) that reasonable Attorney fees be paid to her Attorney.

On May 4, 2022, Ms. Dooley retired from the department. Clearly, Sheriff’s Attorneys had heartburn with the Attorney fees for Ms. Dooley. Although, no one has objected to Prince’s Attorney fees. *Mr. Prince informed me while the Council was in executive session that he has never raised his fees in representing Knox County. Apparently, I used the term “enriching” himself. Of course that was/is my opinion. I told Mr. Prince that it is more than a blogger makes. But hey get when you can.

Ultimately, the council which now consist of former Alternate John Marshall as a voting member and Christopher Manning as the new Alternate joining Jim Wright, Jr. and Chair Gina Oster. Former Chancellor Sharon Bell was the presiding hearing officer. After a couple of executive sessions and after Ms. Dooley and her Attorney John Valliant agreed to 1) not to challenge the car and fuel card as she is now retired and 2) not to pursue the Attorney fees. Which both of “Spanky’s” Attorneys had a problem ultimately understanding. You can watch it all below.

John Marshall who sat as an Alternate member (he had no vote on April 28, 2022) for the day and a half of the Dooley hearing on March 1 and 2, 2022 made a motion to modify the April 28, 2022 decision to remove the awarding of Attorney fees to Ms. Dooley. That motion passed. So, Sheriff Spangler has still UNANIMOUSLY been found guilty of violating the policies and procedures in removing Ms. Dooley’s car and fuel card.

The Merit Council rules say employees can secure and be represented by counsel, but is silent of awarding Attorney fees if the Sheriff has found to have violated policies and procedures. That motion passed. So, Sheriff Spangler is still UNANIMOUSLY found guilty of violating the policies and procedures in removing Ms. Dooley’s car and fuel card.

The meeting can be found on my Youtube page here.

Part One here

Part Two here

Part Three here

Part Four here

Part Five here

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