Yesterday, the Knox County Merit System Council for Sheriffs Employees had a reconsideration over payment of Martha Dooley’s attorney fees. However, I am the only person shining a light on our taxpayer dollars being spent on Sheriff Spanky Spangler’s frivolous spending on outside legal counsel. You ask why do I term it frivolous? Well because 1) Spangler has Attorneys Mike Ruble and Former District Attorney Randy NIchols on payroll and staff at KCSO. Knox County Law Director David Buuck has 10-12 Attorneys on staff in his office all paid by the taxpayers.
Yesterday, Myers Morton legal counsel of the Merit Council and one of the Attorneys in the law department was at yesterdays Merit Council meeting, during the last Executive Session, he came back in the room about 5 minutes before the council returned. i asked him if he got kicked out and I reminded him that he is the legal council. Morton did not respond.
This morning I received the latest in billing and payment for the outside legal counsel, invoices dated March 29 and April 28.
In the Martha Dooley case a new $51,502
In the John I. Harmon case a new $21,390, the Harmon case has been withdrawn as the Gibson case was in December 2020 as well.
In the Raymond S. Moore case a new $9,220
A new $82,112 in the Knox County Sheriff using our money to fight our own KCSO employees.
The grand total to Gary Prince firm in the cases of Gibson, Dooley, Harmon and Moore is $185,209.30
The Cole grievance is being handled by the Knox County Law Department NOT Prince.