Knox County Mayor Glenn Jacobs and Knox County’s 2022/2023 Budget

As I suffered a glitch a week or so ago and lost 6 posts because of the switch from one server to another. One of those lost posts was one titled Knox County Mayor Glenn Jacobs Proposes NEW Budget. Here is the proposed 2022/2023 budget, Here is Mayor Jacobs budget luncheon address, in presenting his new budget.

Here is the Monday May 16, 2022 Knox County Commission Public Budget Hearing, no citizen addressed the Knox County Commission regarding the budget, no department head spoke about their proposed budget request with the exception of Knox County Finance Director Chris Caldwell.

On Wednesday June 1, 2022 the Knox County Commission will hold a second Public Hearing in the Main Assembly Room of the City County Building located at 400 S. Main Street in Knoxville, TN immediately following that hearing the Commission will proceed to voting on the budget and setting the tax rate.

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