Last evening Knoxville City Council met to deliberate and vote of proposed legislation from first term State Rep. Elaine Davis and State Senator Frank Niceley of Strawberry Plains. Originally State Senator Dr. Richard Briggs was Senate Sponsor, but he withdrew.
After the Council meeting i did a ten minute the Brian Hornback Experience Episode 126, here and/or here.
From the meeting, Former Knoxville City Council Theotis Robinson, Jr. provides the historical facts, here.
Former Knox County Administrator of Elections Cliff Rodgers, with only his personal opinion and thoughts, here.
Knoxville City Councilwoman Janet Testerman, whose late Father Mayor Kyle Testerman served with the same election process, here.
Knoxville City Councilman Tommy Smith with perspectives from his successful 2021 campaign and the finances that were used last election, here
Knoxville City Councilwoman Seema Singh with her thoughts, here.
Knoxville City Council Attorney and former Knoxville Councilman Rob Frost with the intentional or unintended consequences, here, which will only be made real after a legal challenge in court by a Judge.