
New West Knox County High School Over-Runs

Here is the text of a PBA (Public Building Authority) document, that was available 8/11/2005 that may explain the cost over-runs:

Northwest Sector High School

School Board Meeting of August 11, 2005

Based upon recent meetings with the School Board Representatives and School Staff, the following changes and clarifications are offered:

Classroom Size: Increased from 720 to 800 square feet for a net increase to the building square footage of approximately 4,500 square feet.

Number of Classrooms: The overall number of classrooms has been increased from 40 as originally programmed to 54.

New Programmed Space – The following elements have been added to the program:
Diversified Technology
Family and Consumer Science
Health and Science Technology

Existing Programmed Space – The following elements have been increased:
English – Increased by 2 classrooms
Mathematics – Increased by 2 classrooms
Social Studies – Increased by 1 classroom
Foreign Language – Increased by 1 classroom
Science – Increased by 2 classrooms and 2 labs
Special Education – Increased by 2 Resource Rooms

Projected Occupancy – With additions indicated above and in conversations with staff, the current student occupancy is calculated between 1907-2087. (see attached breakdown)

Construction Type – The preferred method of construction is load-bearing block/brick with steel bar joist/metal deck system. The alternate method is a steel frame with prefabricated steel panels with exterior brick and interior, high-impact sheetrock.

Schedule – In consideration of the preferred building tyoe, an opening of August 2008 is anticipated subject to School Board approval.

Core Capacity – The core elements of the program which include the cafeteria, gym and auditorium are designed to accomadate 2000 studnets plus staff.

Question: Is The additional square footage X The cost per square foot = The cost over-runs from the $40.0 million dollar budget?

Great question. Let’s see.

78,500 X $127.00 = $9,969,500.00

Pretty close to the $14,000,000.00

Only $4,030,500.00 over, Now

UPDATE:11/8/2005 3:23 p.m.

I have just received a phone call that has informed me that in the current program plan for the New Northwest High School, there is a 25,000 square foot Field House. I will comment on Field Houses at the conclusion of this post.

Based on our earlier exercise, There is a 78,500 square foot upgrade that cost $9,969,500.00. With the reduction of the additional square footage. The school system is currently $4,030,500.00 over budget.

Let’s now conduct a field house exercise.

Square footage 25,000 X $127.00 per square foot construction = $3,175,000.00

Reduce a field house that cost $3,175,000.00 from $4,030,500.00 and the over-run is now only $855,500.00

Here is my insight on Knox County field houses. Farragut High School Football Booster Club built a field house two years ago while I served as a school board member with parent and private donations. While the Gibbs community received a $1.0 million dollar field house paid for by the tax-payers. Bearden High School has NEVER received a field house.

It would appear to the people that I have talked with in the community today, that the cost over-runs have been the result of school officials receiving the money for a Suburban and instead trying to buy a Cadillac Escalade “The King of Bling.”

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