Hey, City of Knoxville … About That Cashless Parking in Downtown

The City of Knoxville was considering (and I believe) passed cashless parking for all Downtown parking.

I hope they are aware of TN Public Chapter Number 323! It came about with SB 0661 (Sen. Frank Niceley) and HB 1306 (Rep. Kumar)

Consumer Protection – As enacted, requires that if an entity requires on-site payment from a consumer for the parking of a motor vehicle on the entity’s property, and the entity only accepts payment by use of a quick response (QR) code or a credit or debit card machine, then, in the event the QR code or debit card machine fails to operate correctly to process the payment transaction, the entity must either accept payment by cash, check, or credit or debit card or allow the consumer to leave the property without providing payment at the time. – Amends TCA Tile 39; Title 47 and Title 48,

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