
Directory of Public Officials

An updated Directory of Government Officials is now posted on www.brianhornback.com The new Knox County School Board members, new members of the Tennessee General Assembly and the new member of the Knox County election commission have been added to the directory.

The website will continue to change over the next several weeks, as I intend to include photographs of yours truly in action throughout our community. I plan to include a motivational page with many of stories that I have collected over the years.

Stay tuned.

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7 Responses

  1. Cobby says:

    Hello, Brian. Are you a lying, hypocritical and corrupt bastard? Or do Republicans only get that way when they reach Congress or the Presidency? I am just curious.

  2. John Walker says:

    Brian is an upstanding Republican that has proven his loyalty, trustworthiness, and family values. I am not sure where you get off assuming that Brian is corrupt or a liar, but you are misdirecting your rage. Get a life. I am proud to have Brian as the future chair of our county party.

  3. Cobby says:

    Read my post again, chief. I am not assuming anything. I do not know Brian, that is why I was asking about his values. I do know that the top Republicans lie about everything they do. (Do you disagree?) So, I was just asking whether Brian was at that level yet.

  4. To answer your inquiry. The democrats have the market cornered on the three atributes that you mention. First William Clinton “What is is” “I didn’t have sex with that woman…Ms. Lewinsky” Second John Forbes Kerrey ” I voted for it before I voted against it” and Tn state senator John Ford (Memphis) uncle to U. S. Congressman Harold Ford, Jr. John Ford has fathered multiply children by three women and maintains two homes. I think the qualities that you mention can all be found within the democrat party. So, if that’s what your looking for the democrats, I am sure will welcome you.

  5. Cobby says:

    Well, you guys are the ones that pretend you’re the party of moral values. Do you remember when the Republicans were all berating Clinton for having an affair, then one by one they had to step down when their own affairs were exposed? That was awesome. How about all the different ways that Bush covered up his drunk driving history? How about how we never heard the end of criticism of how Clinton “didn’t inhale”, and yet now everyone is gung-ho about an alcoholic, cocaine-snorting president? How about the GOP paying people to write good things about their initiatives without disclosing it? How about all those weapons of mass destruction? How about it, Brian? Are you willing to admit and denounce the tremendous hypocracy within your own party?

  6. My party has nothing to denounce. Individuals may have made errors in their past, in no way does that qualify to harm the entire party. Your hero Bill Clinton used the position that a majority of Americians gave him and used the peoples house, The White house for his personal satisfaction. The allegations that you mention of our president George W. Bush are allegations that are only attributed to Neal Bush’s ex-wife. They are allegations, like those that appeared on Clinton in Weekly World News about Clinton fathering numerous children from different women (I don’t believe the allegations to be true)

    The point is George W. Bush was elected by a majority of Americans and the Electoral College in 2004.

    My role as Knox County Chairman, if selected, is to support Ken Mehlman RNC Chairman and Bob Davis TN Republican Chairman. My #1 job is to ensure that the local republicans continue to possess the positions we have and target the positions that members of your democrat party hold and turn those seats over to the republicans.

    So look out my friend, were coming to a neighborhood near you.

  7. Cobby says:

    Allegations?! George W. Bush’s DWI is a matter of public record, and you can’t possibly believe the man is not an alcoholic (albeit recovering), can you?

    Also, Weekly World News is the paper that has space aliens and Bigfoot on the cover each week. Is that where you get your political information?