
Them Liberals! Outlawing a Fun New Years Eve

The PETA crowd is disrupting an yearly New Years Eve celebration in Brasstown, NC. Over at Clay’s Corner in Brasstown they all get together and just before midnight, they lower a plexiglass box with a possum in it. The PETA people have been trying to stop it for some time. Now they have a Judge’s order that they can not use a live possum.

It seems they can use a roadkill one, a stuffed animal one or any other form as long as it ain’t living. I mean come on, we are talking about an animal that plays dead. An animal that is so dumb that more get killed crossing the road than any other type of animal.

Read the in depth report from the Chattanooga Times Free Press here.

New Years Possum Drop

What’s the harm in this? The possum is protected from the people and the people are protected from the possum.

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