The Liberals Make Prediction on a Republican Primary Two Years Out

Twenty Four hours is a lifetime in politics.

With that in mind, there was a lot of attention of the announcement by State Senator Jim Tracy yesterday that he will challenge Republican Congressman Scott DesJarlais. Randy over at the local liberal playground, proudly announces here that DesJarlais is toast.

I have met both DesJarlais and Tracy both are capable, convincing and electable. Shock And Awe will blog later on my impression of Tracy’s announcement. I suspect that the August 2014 GOP Primary will be a crowded one. That would benefit the incumbent Desjarlais.

The additional factor is can DesJarlais replace his campaign funds in the next year and a half. If he can still accumulate campaign donations, a crowded primary field nearly cements DesJarlais’s seat in the House.

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1 Response

  1. The Shadow says:

    Since the details of his affairs have come out, I believe they have affected both his standing as any moral influence, and since they probably affect his licensing as a medical doctor, his influence on dealing with Obamacare are in question.

    The issue will not be the details of his affairs, but if his constituency still trusts him to look out for their interests, and if they trust that he is able to do so effectively as before.

    I think what was considered an up-and-comer has gone-and-went.