
The Tennessean Reports Campaign Contributions from Pilot Execs that Have Been in the News

This story in the Tennessean details political contributions to Governor Bill Haslam‘s campaign by Pilot Sales and Company Executives that were identified in FBI affidavits.

In reading the story, it seems possible that their follow up could be the question if the alleged funds withheld from the trucking companies rebates were sent into the Governors race. Of course, since the Supreme Court decision, there is no prohibition of corporate donations to political candidates. Another follow up could be if any of the trucking companies that were alleged to have been shortened of their rebates were contributors to the Governor’s campaign.

This is gonna be a long hard ride. It has to be tough on those whose names have been and keep appearing in the news. As the song says, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other and keep your head up.

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