Last May Commissioner Jeff Ownby was arrested on Sharp’s Ridge after two Knoxville Police Department Officers allegedly witnessed he and another man engage in oral sex. Today, he had his day in court. Ownby plead no contest. He must pay $500 in fines plus court costs. He will be on supervised probation and must write a letter explaining what he did and apologize to his wife, family, friends and constituents. The letter must be put into the minutes of the Knox County Commission at it’s next meeting. The meeting will be on TUESDAY May 28, 2013 beginning at 2:00 p.m. in the Large Assembly Room of the City County Building.
At his hearing before Judge Bill Brewer of Blount County (because everybody in Knox County recused themselves) Ownby was joined by two supporters. In the photo gallery (here) the Knox News Sentinel did not identify the lady in the black dress, glasses with gray hair. That lady is Ruth Kuhlman, Knox County Republican Party Chair. Kuhlman’s presence is an indication that Knox County Republican Party supports Ownby’s illegal activity. No individuals have been able to confirm or deny that the Knox County Republican Party has taken a vote on the position of Ownby.
As an elected official, the standard of proper behavior is tantamount. As humans we are all imperfect and make mistakes and engage in sinful acts. While that is human, as an elected official you must be above reproach. When Ownby opposed Finbarr Saunders, Ownby set himself out as a moral, responsible person worthy of elective office.
It is important that the citizens of the fourth district determine the kind of representative that they desire representing them on County Commission. Whether by recall effort or a rally of support. It is now time for the Fourth District to be heard.
Read the report from The Big Metal Shed on the Hill, here.