
How long have I been doing this journalist thing?

In August, I turned 45. I have always remembered that my first campaign as a volunteer was in 1982 when I was a Sophomore in high school for Robin Beard for US Senate. Congressman Beard challenged Senator Jim Sasser.

Last weekend I opened the filing cabinet that has housed a copy of every article in which I was interviewed or authored and began placing them in a 3 ring binder (s). So, here are the dates, on March 1, 1988 I was interviewed by Knoxville’s The Christian Newspaper as the campaign leader for Presidential candidate Bob Dole’s campaign. It was a round table interview in which Jen Schroeder participated as the leader for the George Herbert Walker Bush campaign and Harry Grothjahn participated for the Pat Robertson campaign.

On February 1 and March 1, 1989 I was published in The Chronicle with articles concerning the proposed mass burn incinerator sited for East Knox County. on April 17, 1989 through 1992 I was published frequently in the East Knox News. An article published on October 2, 1989 entitled “The War on Drugs” generated the first letter to the editor that disagreed with my article.

Of course between 1992 – 2000 I sent periodic letters to the editor that were published in various newspaper. I received a few awards from the TN PTA that were reported in various local newspapers between 1996 – 2000.

In 2000 I was elected to serve on the Knox County School Board and served until August 31, 2004. I began this blog in August 2004. I was then elected to serve as Knox County Republican Party Chairman from March 2005 – March 2007. I did not seek re-election to a second term as Chairman.

In April 2010, I was asked to participate as a columnist for Knoxville’s oldest newspaper The Knoxville Journal. I did that until mid summer 2010.

In 23 years as a part time journalist, I have seen a lot of good and a lot of bad. Of course, in the years as a school board member and party chairman I have irritated a lot of loony liberals that do not have the courage to sign their hate filled verbal vomit. But I keep doing what I am doing. Cause as Winston Churchill said, “you have had made enemies, that is good. That means you have actually stood for something”

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