Do you remember Earl Pitts, ‘Uhmerican? Well, you can go on his website and download commentary for $1.49 each. But his commentary always began with “you know what makes me sick”
After my friends at TN Campaign for Liberty sent me this WKRN news story and the accompanying youtube video. This made me sick and I still do not feel good about it. This happened in good ole TN. Rutherford County, TN to be exact and it happened only two days ago and the youtube has exceeded 1.5 million views. All officers should be punished. This young man just happened to be an informed citizen that is educated of his rights. If you watch any portion, just fast forward to 5:21 and sense the reactions when the flashlight beam hits the video camera and one officer says “a.j” and then says “it’s running”. Priceless!