This Isn’t News. But That Will Not Stop a Couple News Outlets From Trying to Break It

This is not news, However, when the name is Tim Hutchison or Brian Hornback it seems that a couple of newsrooms either stop the presses or create such a stir in the newsroom similar to a den of gerbils looking for a morsel of food.

Last week, Former Sheriff Tim Hutchison filed bankruptcy. He filed on some legal expenses and a lease that he was a signatory on to Dean Stallings. Stallings once owned Dean Stallings Ford. Sheriff Hutchison was a partner with a couple of other gentlemen in the reestablished Dean Stallings Ford.

Sheriff Hutchison who left office as Sheriff six years ago and remains a private citizen confirmed to me that indeed it was an unfortunate reality that made it necessary to file bankruptcy. He said in hindsight “it was a horrible business adventure in the worst financial times in 80 years.”

As a matter of review, Hutchison won 10 countywide elections. (In spite of the agreesive antics of Victor Ashe, Ashe’s Aunt Wanda Moody, Moody’s Attorney Herbert Monceir, Big Metal Shed on the Hill Editors Harry Moskos and Jack McElroy) Hutchison was selected National Sheriff of the Year in 1998 and is the longest serving Sheriff in Knox County history. His last re-election victory in 2006 was during the time of my term as Chairman of the Knox County Republican Party.

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