Today on the front page of the Big Metal Shed on the Hill’s product the interim county beat reporter has this story. Commissioner Briggs and Law Director Bud Armstrong have declared no conflict, on the appointment of Craig Leuthold.
It was a flashback to the Ragsdale era, when the PR guy for the Ragsdale regime stands up in front of blistering white lights and in response to numerous incidents declares “cleared”, “cleared”, “cleared”.
The most telling portion of the article is at the end. Apparently being in an employee in an office any knowledge of wrongdoing escapes you. Do what? In addition, if you are in a satellite office apparently you know noting. I meant whats the point of a satellite? Just to have a human sitting at a desk staring out into space? Just to have a human sitting at a desk reading a book or playing computer games? Leuthold clearly has an opinion that the current Cedar Bluff and Knoxville Center satellite offices of the Trustees Office are do nothing jobs.
Leuthold said that he was not in position to know about Lowe’s charges or possible wrongdoing while he worked in the Trustee’s Office downtown or in satellite offices.
“All I can say is that I have not been contacted by anybody to testify,” Leuthold said. “Back under the Lowe administration, I didn’t have a position of authority, I had no access to payroll. And from 2001 on, I was out at the satellites.”
As for Black Wednesday 2007, the Editor of the Big Metal Shed on the Hill made the case that the appointment of Commissioner Chuck Bolus was a conflict because he and Commissioner Scott Moore were friends and Bolus volunteered in Moore’s campaigns.
However, when then Commissioner (now Property Assessor) Phil Ballard put in his campaign sign installer Jack Huddleston as the 8th district Black Wednesday 2007 Commissioner. At the same time Commissioner (now Trustee) Craig Leuthold put in his dad Frank Leuthold as the 5th district Black Wednesday 2007 Commissioner. Now, Frank Leuthold is treasurer for Rick Briggs State Senate Campaign. Oh yeah, nothing to see here. Move along. NOT!

Leuthold has been a “Do Nothing” type of guy since he latched onto the county tit. This man has been on the County Commission and on the County payroll so long that he honestly believes Black Wednesday was forgotten. He has no clue of anything short of he was the caretaker of the annex offices. Does anyone care to remember he was the supervisor of the office which an employee stole thousands of dollars of collected tax payments from hard working citizens? He sat on commission and held a position in the trustees office which was latched onto both sides of the county tit and drawing travel pay. He claims he didn’t have a clue of what occurred in the Lowe administration. He says it so well he believes it himself. This is just a repeat of the same old bullshit, until the Boss Hoggs of Knox County are thrown out of office is going to continue to happen. People in this dead end town do not vote and the ones that do just push the button and walk away. There is no accountability here, there are no morals, and this town is a disgrace of lies and underhanded do nothings. We all know what occurred and how it happened. It chaps my ass knowing this will continue. Brian if you want to know in advance how a situation of Knox County Government is going to pan out just post a story, I will comment my predictions, Old Elmer knows the truth and isn’t afraid to voice it, no matter who or what its about.